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New Update 18.09.2023
Hello everyone!
We made a small update since some people had issues with getting the red bar while farming with multiple characters on official servers. 
Now it should not happen anymore, if you farm like a 'normal' player.
Our Bot also works on the new Emerald server.
Please note, if a lot players report you and see 'unnormal player behaviour' then it is normal to get banned after a few days, so it is recommended to trade the yang/won to another account which has a different IP and HWID, or you trade it to another server/or sell it. 
We also like to remind you of the current M2Bob features which have been updated:

- Auto Login
- Auto Channel
- Auto Exit
- Fish Bot
- Speed/Range Booster
- Wall Hack
- Wait Hack & Damage Hack
- Anti Knockback
- Pickup Items
- Auto Potions
- Auto Attack
- Attack on X target
- Mobber (different modes to choose from)
- Customized Farm Bot
- Auto Skills
- Auto Dews
- Attack Speed Changer
- Movement Speed Changer
- Alchemy Bot
- Upgrade Bot
- Buff Bot
- Anti Fall
- Auto Reviver
- Quest Bot
- Message Spam Bot
- Supports Proxies
- Detector (GM detector, player detector etc.)
- Map Teleporter
- Switch Bot
- Mining Bot
- Skill Bot
- Shop Bot (You can scan all market on your screen and you can get all items with price in a list. Then you can buy the items you wish automatically)
- & much more to discover!

If you still encounter bugs/crashes/anything else, please let us know!

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