M2bob features:

- Auto Login

- Auto Channel

- Auto Exit

- Fish Bot

- Speed/Range Booster

- Wall Hack

- Wait Hack & Damage Hack

- Anti Knockback

- Pickup Items

- Auto Potions

- Auto Attack

- Attack on X target

- Mobber (different modes to choose from)

- Customized Farm Bot

- Auto Skills

- Auto Dews

- Attack Speed Changer

- Movement Speed Changer

- Alchemy Bot

- Energy Bot

- Upgrade Bot

- Buff Bot

- Anti Fall

- Auto Reviver

- Quest Bot

- Message Spam Bot

- Supports Proxies

- Detector (GM detector, player detector etc.)

- Map Teleporter

- Switch Bot

- Mining Bot

- Skill Bot

- Shop Bot (You can scan all market on your screen and you can get all items with price in a list. Then you can buy the items you wish automatically)

& much more to discover!